Sometimes just being creative is dressing up and having a bit of fun
Last week I went to my nieces 12th birthday, a Harry Potter themed birthday party. We had so much fun. There was chocolate to get strength back after demementor attacks, pin the scar on Harry Potter, blowing up your aunt (blowing up a balloon with aunt written on it. I love my little nieces original ideas) and even a moaning Myrtle on the toilet. They had even made wonderful wands from chopsticks, a glue gun and gold paint.

We all were asked to dress up in a Harry Potter costume. Not everyone obliged but those who did, did a fantastic job. Creativity was stretched trying to find costumes from what we had at home without having to spend any money or only buying from second hand shops.
Professor Trelawny (My younger sister)
Mad eye moody (My hubby)
The fat lady (My twin sister )
Professor lupin (My son) and Pansy parkinson (My niece)
Harry Potter (my son)
Luna Lovegood (the birthday girl)
Tonks (my daughter)
And finally Mrs Weasley ( Yours truly) My brother kept telling me all night I looked like a curtain.
What fun! Your family certainly know how to have a good time and have tons of creative ideas thrown in together :) Must have been a hoot finding your costumes for each character!