Thursday, 16 June 2011

Quilters block

I am going through a quilters block at them moment.  I have lots of O.K. ideas but not much that I am wanting to actually make into a art quilt.  The more I draw the more I feel uninspired. Why DO I feel like this?  I decided to take a good look at myself and see how I could overcome this block. 
  1. Maybe it is because I am not being creative enough and actually doing anything......No I am drawing daily,  I have a mdae a few quilting projects over the past couple of weeks. 
  2. Not enough motivation............Not this one either I have always felt motivation isn't a word, it is either doing it or not doing it. I am practicing daily and I am doing it so I am motivated.
  3. Not having a signature look................It could be a wee bit of this one.  Maybe I need to experiment more and find me more in my work!
  4. Having interuptions......I find I work best with no interuptuptions.  This is a hard one for me in a very busy house but I am getting quite a bit of time while the kids are at school so it shouldn't be too much of an issue.
  5. Not having direction in my work.  Both in how I do my art and how to market my work..........This could be a bit of it too.  I am afraid to market my art because of rejection, a fear which I need to overcome.  I need to write some new goals in how I do my artwork to see if this will help me focus more.
  6. Not having won any awards or recognition in NZ.........This is getting hard for me to keep entering things and getting nothing for my efforts.  I know it should enough to have the reward of making a piece of work but I would love to teach and unless there is some recognition for work no one wants to have you teach them in NZ.  HMMMMM need to think on this one.  I maybe need to evaluate why  I am making art and change my outlook?

Well I will contemplate some of these possibilities to see if they can help me through my block. 

What are some of the blocks you have?  How have you overcome them?  I would love to hear some of your ideas!


  1. Hi, I understand where you are coming from with your 'block'. I have the same problem, I would love to teach classes but it seems so hard to actually break into teaching. I get quite negative feedback here in NZ but overseas my work is happily accepted. It is frustrating to say the least. What do you do to get round it?
    Pleased I popped and and met you!

  2. Thanks for your feedback. I not sure how to answer that question Carole. I keep on plodding along hoping for a break though. Perhaps we need to just say I am a great artist and be proud over how we express ourselves until we get our chance to teach and progress in NZ. Bu I do agree it is very frustrating.

    Would love to hear form you again


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