Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Studio spaces: Storing odd shaped items

When I plan my studio space the one thing I always forget until last is odd shaped items.  I remember the drawers, tables,  ironing boards and other furniture but I always forget the rolls of batting, Vlisofix, fabric and Pellon and sewing machine covers and canvases. They always end up in a corner hidden behind a set of drawers thrown into a cardboard box.  So I did some research to find out how to store these odd bits and pieces in a much better way. 

I found this neat idea on a blog


Store rolls of wrapping and gift paper on the ceiling of your closet with this simple wire strategy.

I just love this idea of using ceiling space in a wardrobe for storing rolls.  You could use a ceiling in a room too. 


 This blog post is about hanging sweaters (read it Here ) but I think it could be easily adapted to shorter rolls of things like tissue/ vlisofix/freezer paper etc.  

I thought this was a really clever idea. If you made the slot wider it could fit a lot bulkier items in it. Unfortunately I can't find the original post as it is a pin with no link (I have tried but with no luck)

Cubby Storage

Click to view large image

This would be great for all those people who store large quantities of batting


hangers 6

4992663086636273412381 A standard garment bag is great for storing rolls of wrapping paper. Instead of keeping that paper in a box where it can be smashed, just put the rolls in a garment bag and hang it in your coat closet or wherever you have room. It takes up little space and will help to protect your paper from damage


  1. Rolls of 'stuff' are the bane of my studio life. Always falling over, ends getting crumpled, never fitting anywhere. At the moment I have them on end in a plastic cube crate, but then I had too many, so I have a second container now - a smaller upright tin that takes smaller rolls. Neither of them are very refined, but they work ok. You've found some good ideas above.

    1. I hear you :) I is the same for me too. I am storing alll of these ideas (pardon the pun) for when I make my studio later in the year.


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