Monday, 5 November 2012

The kindness chronicles

I love to watch other people being kind to each other.  While I was out with the kids the other day I saw a mum and her boy.  He would have been about 7 or 8 years old and as they walked past she lent down and gently stroked his back and smiled gently into his eyes.  She said something too him and his eyes lit up and he smiled and then the moment passed.  I thought it was so sweet to see such a beautiful interaction between and mother and a child. It reminded me that it is the small and simple acts of kindness that mean the most. 

My best friend looked after my boys for me at very short notice.  My 15 year old was performing in a drama production which we were all going to go and see.  She came home concerned 2 nights before to say that they play before hers was NOT appropriate for anyone never mind her little brothers.  So Emma said she would have them over night.  This was so kind of her especially since my boys do not settle well in someone elses home.  I am so grateful for her act of kindness.


Be kind to those around you it makes a world of difference!!

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